Searching for Splenda

25/10/2022 – 25/10/2022


... is an experimental dance, theatre and installation performance, which presents a part-soap opera, part-murder mystery unfolding through six archetypal characters searching for Splenda in a world is built on the same principles as the eponymous artificial sweetener: “It starts with sugar. Tastes like sugar. But it’s not sugar.” The narrative follows the overlapping and contradicting accounts of the main character that emerge after her mysterious disappearance.

October 25th, 7pm, Sala Rossa

Written & visualized by 
Olga Abeleva

Curated and produced by
Celine Bureau

Additional writing & dramaturgy by
Dolly Frank-Harry,
Sine Kundargi-Girard,
Lenore Claire Herrem

Directed by
Olga Abeleva
Lenore Claire Herrem

Costumes by
Olga Abeleva & Leon

Make-up & hair by

Soundtrack by
Claire Newton

Set building by
Nick Howe

Psychic drawings by
Elena Abeleva

Poster by
Andrea Lukic

Alex Apostolodis as Damon
Amal Akil as Tamara
Anastassia Hypnose as Angelica
Aracely as Polly
Sine Kundargi-Girard as Penny
Talia Fuchs as the Manager

With Support from:
Canada Council for the Arts
Montreal Arts Council
Céline Bureau
Petite Maison des Arts
The Sala Rossa