
Fiona Nguyen

Vacillating between abstract and figurative art, Fiona Nguyen’s CD covers and paintings are a vehicle of communication, as well as an attempt to write a love letter to her ancestors. Pop songs belong to the memory, to collective stories and to intergenerational transmission.


It is therefore through pop songs that she immerses herself in the effervescence of a distant youth - the one of her Vietnamese grandmother - in order to witness the love language of an era affected by war and violence, but also with countless revolutions. It is from the poetry of collage around the notions of the ineffable and the unspoken, that her work applies to transmit and reconstitute a symbolic soundtrack composed of oil paintings and drawings framed in record cases. She constructs an autofiction narrative by inventing a collection of CDs to celebrate, repossess and materialise memories. The melodies that emanate from her images beg to exist outside of the streaming realm and devices. While traumas from war persist globally for many, Fiona’s work signals a slow process of healing and regeneration.